
Friday, September 10, 2010

Peacock Themed Wedding

Peacock Themed Wedding

Peacock Themed Wedding by awhimseygirl featuring a chain handbag

In early October I will be attending a "Peacock Themed Wedding." When I started putting ideas in my head I envisioned bright bold colors like turquoise, emerald green, and indigo accented by exotic peacock feathered accessories. But as I started browsing the stores none of these combinations work on me.

So I decided to go with understated beauty. My color palette is going to be navy blue and silver.  The jewelry I will be wearing is all tear drop shaped, which I felt emulated the shape of a peacock feather.

What do you think of my choice? I would love to hear your feedback.

Poupee Girl Facebook Application: Poupee Boutique

Has anyone tried this yet? I think that the new Poupee Girl Facebook application: Poupee Boutique is going to bring awareness of Poupee Girl to many more people around the world. I have never been to fond of playing games on facebook so I'm not sure it will be of interest to me, but I still think it's pretty interesting that it is available!

I've gotta say ~ even without this new application Poupee Girl has come a long way since I started with it. I remember when I used to have Google translate handy just to navigate myself around the site and now almost all the site is available in English. And they are constantly designing new clothes/outfits. My Poupee Girl's closet is so much more vast than my own!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poupee Girl Question: Crown in Snapshot?

Hi Everyone,
I had a quick question for all my Poupee Friends.
Today I noticed a small white crown at the bottom
left corner of my Poupee. While I am assuming it is
a good thing I am not sure what to make of it?
Does it have to do with suteki ranking?
If so ~~ How do I check? Thanks everyone!

New Dress a Day Blog: 365 Day Fashion Project

If you have not checked out Marisa's blog: New Dress a Day and love fashion you should do so! You are in for a treat. Inspired by the movie Julie and Julia, Marisa decided to use her fashion and sewing skills to start a blog.

The challenge: She will not do any traditional shopping for the year. Each day for 365 days she is going to complete a new look. Also, she only gets a $1.00 dollar budget to find old dresses and turn them into something new!

Marisa is certainly very talented, innovative, and creative. She does some amazing work. I would love to wear any of her outfits! I have also the loved before and after shots. (They are my favorite parts of all those reality shows such as Design on a Dime or Overhaulin') Below are a couple of my favorites.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun Fall Trends 2010

Fun Fall Trends 2010
  • Ruffled, tiered tops
  • Half Ankle Boots
  • Jeggings ~ a cross between jeans and leggings
  • Leather Jackets
What do you think everyone? Will you be wearing what is projected to be the latest in fashion trends for the fall. As sometimes happens I am already a fan of some of these items - such as the Ruffles, tiered tops.

Other items are new to me? "Jeggings" huh? I was already wearing leggings to work, and I do like the sleek look of long as I pair them with tunics or long sweaters I think the look could work for me.

What do you think? How will you be dressing this Fall?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 Things you probably didn't know about getting your wisdom teeth out

Ok so Oral Surgeons these days are for the most part pretty awesome. You do your research and you can end up having all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time with minimal swelling and pain. The Medical Team will do their best to educate you on After Care but, try as they might, they will miss stuff. Now I am speaking from personal experience here ~~ I am by no means a doctor or trained in anyway. I am just like most people who have had their wisdom teeth out who had questions and spent much of my recovery time at forums online trying to figure out what was going on with my body. I am writing from the personal experience of having my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago and what I have been through the past few weeks.

So in essence, here are 5 things you probably didn't know about having your wisdom teeth taken out:

1) There is no universal answer as to when you will "feel better."
No matter how hard I tried answering this question. What I found is that some patients report being back to normal after day 3 (which was sadly, not me) while others have pain for 3 weeks or more. I'd say I was feeling better after 1 week and back to almost normal by 2 weeks. Even after that, I could still feel sore at times, but was eatig normally.

2) You could have gaping holes in the back of your mouth that may take at least 2-3 weeks to close up 
(Again subjective...some people will heal faster and some slower) -- The point being, I never realized these holes would even exist, which I know is silly on my part. But after I figured out they were there I didn't realize they would take so long to close up. Also, these holes are magnets for food debris, which leads to "3"

3) You will be likely using the "salt water rinse" alot longer than you expected.
In order to avoid infection at the extraction site it is essential to keep food debris out of those holes I mentioned before. I am three weeks out, and am still doing this (and food debris still comes out!) If you are like me you would much rather do some rinsing each day rather than end up with an infection and more pain!

4) Those white things at the extraction site could be the blood clots you need to heal (as long as it's not food debris or infection; usually you can tell the difference if it has an odor or is pussy or inflamed, that could be an infection. When in doubt call your Oral Surgeon ASAP, goodness knows I bugged mine)
I flipped out when I first saw these and thought - oh no I have a dry socket or infection, but after a frantic call to the Oral Surgeon I was assured that this was normal, and that the clotting tissue appears white in the mouth - who knew?

5) And lastly - if you have a tinny (like blood) or medicine like taste in your mouth around Day 3-5 it could be a Medicated dissolving foam that was put in the extraction site to prevent dry socket. I was not made aware of this stuff being in mouth until my follow-up appointment and feared I had acquired the dreaded dry socket. When in doubt call your Oral Surgeon and asked if they used this stuff, and what to expect from it.

I hope this was helpful to anyone out there who is having their wisdom teeth out! Best of Luck to you and I hope everything works out smoothly!